Gumball is Secretly the Illuminati

I know when you first hear this, you would probably be shrug me off has some oblivious idiot who wants to label everything as corrupting our youth, and you're probably right. BUT WAIT! This is totally true! I bring you my 110% true (tested) hypothesis theory that Gumball... is the Illuminati!
In the episode ''The Society'' Gumball does some stuff AND THEN everyone in Elmore Jr. High become Illuminati members!
Look at the image above. Everyone is wearing boxes with all-seeing eyes on their head! They are just like people in real life, trying to enlist innocent children (Gumball and Darwin) to join their evil group (Illuminati).
In the episode ''The Spoiler ''Gumball wants to see a scary movie without any spoilers. This episode is riddled with subliminal messages.
First, Gumball sees a spoiler and gets really angry. He makes a horrifying face.
This is a secret reference to how the Illuminati will possess you with demons.
Later, Anais wants to go see the horror film, so she makes Gumball watch TV, and she puts in a subliminal message so he will let her go.
This is a subliminal message about subliminal messages, which most Illuminati cartoons have.
Finally, when the Watterson kids finally go to the movie to see "The Screamening", the title of the movie has a secret message.
The next, and final, episode I will talk about basically sums up all of the Gumball episodes that feature Illuminati stuff.
In ''The Dream, ''Gumball dreams that Darwin kisses Penny. Before Darwin kisses Penny in the dream he has an evil face.
This evil face appears everywhere. This secretly references how idiots always try to point out how everything in cartoons are subliminal messages or Illuminati related.